ゼロから始めるアカペラ生活(Let's start a cappella)


Let's start a cappella vol.10

4. 練習場所を決める

Decide where to practice



Let's decide the place to practice next.


Please choose a community center, a karaoke box, a place such as a park where there is no complaint from around, and an appropriate place that does not bother for members to gather at first.


It would be better if there was a keyboard such as a piano, etc. However, it will not be too limited in location as the sound can be taken with the pitch pipe and now with mobile apps.


If you are going to improve and have a live concert, just rent a studio and do practice using the sound equipment just before.


If you don't get used to their own sound through the sound equipment, you will be in production and panic.



Please continue plactice with consult among the members and choose a place that you can use regularly.